2021. dec. 7.1 perc olvasásGlobal Data Privacy Laws: Top 10 Things Companies Need to KnowCompanies operating globally have to contend with meeting regulations in Europe, China, Singapore, Brazil, and other countries. Looking...
2021. dec. 3.1 perc olvasásArchitecting Future-Proof Enterprises with a Connected Enterprise ArchitectureMEGA EA Exchange 2021 The 2021 MEGA EA Exchange event edition has come to an end. Hear from leading industry leaders and your peers about...
2021. nov. 23.1 perc olvasásFolyamatorientált ERP bevezetés MEGA alapokonMiért fontos a folyamatszemlélet? Mettől meddig tart az üzleti folyamat? Milyen mértékben támogat engem az adott IT rendszer? Az...